Bridging the Gap Between Operator & Manager Through Technology
Fleet EMP Onboarding
Our experiences with servicing & managing custom fleet assemblies have proven 1 thing repeatedly over the years: operators have difficulty conveying what they need to management & management more often than not, has no earthly idea what the operator needs. The Fleet EMP technology bridges this gap. We provide a universal translation matrix that allows the manager to understand exactly what the operator needs with little more than a few clicks. Furthermore, the manager can then forward their parts needs to any chosen vendor with the confidence that the vendor will understand exactly what is needed.
We catalog your fleet assembly for each vehicle providing exploded views of key components simplifying the discovery, maintenance, repairing, and purchasing of items that traditionally are problematic to order. This catalogued data is grouped into a library or Intranet specifically for your company. Each vessel in your fleet has its own log in allowing the user to see ONLY the items catalogued for that vessel and that vessel only. The result is a custom tool to expedite operational needs, minimize downtime by allowing the user/operator to state implicitly which part is in need of repair, empowering the operator & management to solve problems precisely & efficiently minimizing costly delays.
Fleet EMP Design & Consulting:
As a dealer for many to most of the products in your fleet assemblies, Fleet EMP will use its wisdom to assist you in designing a system best suited for your need.
CAD designs with deep discounts and a plan specific for your vessel along with a detailed component & parts list empowers you to build your own rig.
Our wisdom, rig assemblies, and years in the assembly industry is yours to wield here and we want to help you make your dream rig come true.
Service – The Fleet Treatment:
That which many to most won’t, or don’t, or can’t do.
A quick discussion of the importance of servicing your generator: Consider this, you average approximately 50 miles per hour driving your car or truck. Based on that, how many hours of driving your car or truck would it be to your next oil change based on the current standard of 3000-5000 miles?
The answer: 100 hours.
We see, & have seen for years, generators that arrive at our shop with 500 to 1500 hours since its last oil change.
Put in the terms discussed above, that’s 25,000 to 75,000 miles put on a motor very similar to that in your car or truck that runs wide open for an average of 6 or more hours per day. Your compressor suffers the same abuse and probably has never been serviced. Let us help you schedule servicing these components before a more costly repair or perhaps replacement is needed.
Your challenge; diesel mechanics typically do not want to service or face the indignity of squeezing into the locations that we rig builders have positioned them and most often decline to service them. Rig owners are either intimidated to service their unit or don’t know how. Fleet EMP will perform this service for you either in our facility in Greenville SC or onsite. Combined with our Fleet EMP technology, you will receive notification in advance of your expected service date allowing us to coordinate this endeavor in a manner that minimizes downtime.
Our services include: Stationary generators, compressors, pneumatic drying systems, paint & coatings sprayer repair, custom plural component supply & recirculation hoses, custom pneumatic hoses, and electrical challenges for numerous custom fleet assemblies.
Call today to discuss getting your fleet assembly the Fleet Treatment.
The Tech: Cataloging
Do you have custom assemblies as a part of your fleet?
Foam insulation rigs, insulation blowing trucks, boring trucks, splicing trailers, etc?
As part of the onboarding process, Fleet EMP will catalog the contents of your Fleet Assemblies with detailed lists of the contents helping you to service, manage, & maintain more efficiently while allowing the operator to communicate their needs with the purchasing & operations managers.
Your rig data is securely stored in our vast cloud databases for quick and easy access when you need it, where you need it.
Call to schedule your demonstration of the Fleet Empowerment experience.
Fleet EMP Intranet
Fleet EMP will provide a custom designed & assembly intranet for your fleet allowing specific & focused access to each assembly in your fleet to its specific user only. No noise, no clutter, & no confusion as to what is contained in that assembly.
We’ll create a database of SKUs that all can understand including your vendor of choice thus “bridging the gap between user, manager, and vendors.”